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Slime (NO BORAX) with shaving cream. 2+

What do you need?

  1. 1/2 Cup White Elmer’s Washable School Glue.

  2. 1 TBL Saline Solution.

  3. 1 TSP Baking Soda.

  4. 3-4 Cups Shaving Cream (Foamy Kind).

  5. Food Coloring (red and yellow).

  6. Bowl, Spoon, Measuring Cups.

How to make it?

  1. Pour the shaving cream and glue into a medium bowl and mix.

  2. Add the color (red and yellow).

  3. Mix and stir with the baking soda

  4. Add the contact solution.

  5. Enjoy and play.

  6. Storage: Store in an airtight container at room temperature.

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